​​Dear Parents,
TLDR: Our only goal is to provide your family with a great experience. Everything else is secondary.
If you feel that we fail that goal, please contact us. We care about what you think. Seriously. We're parents too.
We are working hard to balance fun, education, and safety in an ever-evolving digital world.
Our mission is to inspire a digital generation to fall in love with reading. Our text-based design empowers the imagination while prioritizing the educational value of reading any print or ebook format. We believe that EdTech teaches, but story inspires.
The Wondaer Library is more than just a library. It’s a reading adventure, primarily designed for early readers, ages 6 to 12, but parents have found it to be fun for the whole family, including even younger readers. The best age of course, is up to you.
No ads. No in-app purchases. No social media. The Wondaer Library is a safe space for families to explore on your devices.
As parents, you can try it first and then reset the experience.
We currently have 5 stories available. All stories are original and exclusive to The Wondaer Library.
We have 50+ stories in development and new features on the way. This is just the beginning for us.
But we need your help. If you like what we're doing, the best way to help us inspire more young readers is by:
1. Rating/Reviewing the App on the App or Play Store
2. Signing Up for Email Updates
Most importantly, our number one priority is providing your family with the best reading experience possible. We are a work-in-progress. If you have any questions, concerns, or comments, please contact us. We'd love to hear your thoughts.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, we are grateful to have you aboard on this adventure.
We hope you enjoy the journey.
The Wondaer Team