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The Wondaer Library
The Wondaer Library

Reading aloud in the classroom or at home can have a positive impact on kids—these books are perfect for getting started.

Reading books aloud is a practice as old as time, and it is one that comes with many benefits. Compared to reading in silence, reading aloud greatly improves reading comprehension. This age-old art is also a wonderful way for families to bond and can help to create a more engaging classroom environment too. It is one of the top ways to teach children how to read starting at a young age, and it is a great way to explore books to read as a family as well.

You can read any book aloud, but some books bring a little more to the experience. We are going to explore four fiction books for kids that are great for reading out loud!

Engaging Children’s Books for Reading Aloud

Reading aloud gives readers a chance to make books even more fun. Some books for young readers allow kids to enjoy a story on an entirely new level. From using different character voices to building suspense one word at a time, there is a special kind of magic to oral storytelling that can make family books and classroom books even better than when they are experienced alone.

These vibrant, action-packed books are a great place to start!

Silliness lives in the hearts of all children. Sometimes it can be challenging—but sometimes, they just need a constructive way to let it all out. Please Don’t Read This Book is a book that is bursting with silliness and perfect for reading out loud. It breaks the fourth wall to engage readers directly, creating a fiction story where readers are the main characters.

With this book, young readers are given a chance to break the rules of the book and have fun while they do it. Throughout these hilarious pages, readers are met with silly rules that are made to be broken, with fun to be had in each new activity. Perfect for laughing with the whole family, this is a great option for young readers.

This long-time classic children’s book has been shared among families since it was released in 1952.  Following the tale of Wilbur the pig and his eight-legged friend, Charlotte, this book is filled with heartfelt moments, plenty of good lessons, and a lot of fun too. If you are looking for books to read as a family, this is a great option!

In Charlotte’s Web, families and classrooms alike can receive a powerful read-out-loud experience. Each page is the perfect chance to practice fun voices, gives readers a chance to celebrate each special moment, and also opens the door for deep discussions between children and the loving adults (or siblings!) that read with them.

Kids love books with relatable child heroes, and James is a wonderful example. This book has been one of the top cherished family books for generations, bringing readers into a wild and wacky adventure that is just as silly as it is serious. Considered one of the top childhood books, this classic story offers more every time you read it.

Since these pages cover such a harrowing and bizarre tale, it is a wonderful opportunity for reading out loud. Parents and kids can take turns reading while shocking each other with twists on every page. As unusual as this fairytale may be, it is full of vibrant characters and surprises, making it a wonderful fit for families and classrooms.

The best stories to read aloud are full of sounds, engaging characters, and plenty of action—three areas where Infinity Ollie really delivers. In this new interactive twist on fiction books for kids, readers follow along with Ollie to learn about his life on a space station while he and his best friend sneak out for a harrowing adventure that will have readers on the edge of their seats. This childhood book shares a story that resonates with its young audience and their families, even if Ollie’s world looks nothing like the one we know.

Reading aloud is a practice that brings people together, but Infinity Ollie allows kids and their peers, parents, and teachers to enjoy it even more. With this interactive book, readers have complete control over their read-out-loud experience. Using the Wondaer app, readers can take turns reading out loud or activate the in-app narration to listen to the story together while watching the engaging graphics on screen.

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The Wondaer Library: Infinity Ollie
The Wondaer Library: Infinity Ollie

Every new generation has to make its own mistakes and learn its own lessons, but some tales of humanity ring true whether you read about a faraway kingdom or an incredible space station. Infinity Ollie is a story that kids can relate to, even if Ollie’s life looks very different from their own. This story’s combination of compelling narrative, engaging characters, and interactive digital tools makes it an experience that young readers and the adults in their lives won’t soon forget!

At only nine years old, Ollie is starting to learn and grow–much like the audience for this thrilling intergalactic tale. He goes to school, hangs out with friends, and even spends time talking to his imaginary fish, Susan, about the world around him. Like many kids his age, Ollie is beginning to explore big questions–like what he is going to be when he grows up or how he can improve his vocabulary. What starts as a perfectly normal night for Ollie turns into an adventure of unimaginable proportions when his mischievous best friend, Lingo, arrives to encourage him to sneak out after bedtime with a mysterious key card.

Ollie is a good boy, but he is also loyal to his friend–and that means that Ollie is going along for the ride to keep his friend safe. Of course, he may be a little curious too! As the two boys dodge Alarm Bots and make their way through the darkened halls of the space station, the differences between Ollie’s world and our own are clear. Ollie’s world is one future for humanity–the Earth has been abandoned, and the space station is the only home that Ollie has ever known. However, even floating through infinite space, Ollie continues to grapple with common kid problems, like managing his homework and following the rules.

Leaping into elevators, sprinting with all the spirit of a shooting star, and the occasional tumble speak of an age kids and parents know all too well–when we test the limits of our bodies and move like our very lives depend on it. Young readers follow along with Ollie as he learns how to navigate panic, be a great friend, and push the limits too. As readers join Ollie on his quest to decide what he will be when he grows up, they are invited into a thrilling futuristic world that makes even everyday tasks seem more exciting.

Infinity Ollie is a tale that speaks to the new generation of children, but this is much more than your average story. It is the debut story for Wondaer, an interactive storytelling app that blends written language, digital elements, and a winning soundtrack for an immersive experience you won’t find anywhere else.

On each new page of Infinity Ollie, readers are dazzled by compelling visual effects and engaging sounds that pull them right into Ollie’s space station. These multimedia additions bring Ollie’s story to life in a new way that is perfect for a generation of children who will grow up using their own “Infinity Tablets” for school, creativity, and communication. Designed for a comfortable reading experience while also offering an option for narration, Infinity Ollie is a welcome addition to digital bookshelves in every family home!

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The Best 6 Outer Space Books for Kids in 2023 that Inspire Learning and Fun

Kids can explore our galaxy and learn about space with these exciting intergalactic tales!

Traveling through the stars and exploring incredible space technology is a wonderful opportunity for children to learn more about the magic at work in our universe. In the pages of these stories, young readers will learn about space exploration, the planets in our solar system, and all of the fun that a child can have as an intergalactic space traveler!

Space Books for Kids That Inspire Learning and Fun

Children’s science fiction is full of incredible tales of brave and adventurous kids who are happy to find their place among the stars. These engaging books for young readers will help children to learn about space through charming intergalactic tales!

For children who want a fun learning adventure, this tale from the Cat in the Hat’s Learning Library is a wonderful addition to any kid’s bookshelf. In this book, young readers can learn about the solar system and all of the exciting features that scientists have been exploring for years. Perfect for learning with your family’s favorite characters, this is a great educational book for young minds!

The Magic School Bus has been inspiring and educating young readers for years with its unique focus on making sense of the world! In the story, a field trip to the planetarium turns into an unexpected adventure when the museum ends up being closed. Of course, the class still wants to learn about space, and Ms. Frizzle and her favorite bus are happy to give the kids a close-up look at the stars. Young readers can visit the moon and more in this fun tale. Time and time again, this franchise does children’s science fiction right!

Story enthusiasts will love following alongside young Ethan as he follows after his missing sister, Tammy, on an adventure that takes him and his friends through space. With this story, children are taken on a journey that is full of suspense as Ethan goes on the adventure of a lifetime to find her. Traveling through space isn’t easy, but it helps when you have the company of good friends by your side. Filled with twists and turns, young readers will want to know what happens next in this engaging kid’s science fiction book.

Rylee is an imaginative young girl who loves to build rocket parts in her spare time, hoping to someday become a rocketeer. As she dreams of her life as a rocketeer, she takes young readers on a journey that is filled with imagination and fun. Every page follows Rylee and her best friend, Cosmo, as they go on adventures, explore outer space, and teach kids about the planet. A perfect match for parents looking for books for beginning readers, this children’s science fiction story keeps readers engaged on every page!

The Magic Tree House series is another faithful collection that has been delighting families across generations. In this classic tale, Jack and Annie take off to visit the moon while looking for items that start with the letter “M” out in space. With creativity, learning, and a little help from an unusual man on the moon, they work to break a spell–inspiring and educating young readers while they do it!

A good story is great whether it is told around a campfire or written on the pages of a book, but Infinity Ollie offers a unique storytelling experience that readers won’t find anywhere else. In this exciting kid’s science fiction tale, readers follow alongside Ollie, a young boy living on a floating space station.

With his troublemaking best friend, Lingo, Ollie sneaks out to participate in a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. What starts with a secret mission among friends to play an unreleased game quickly turns into the experience of a lifetime. Children can learn about wormholes, life in space, and how to build a better future for tomorrow while following along with Ollie!

This tale is presented through Wondaer, an interactive reading app, where young readers can enjoy reading along, having the story read to them, watching amazing animations, and making their own decisions for Ollie too. The multimedia experience offered in Infinity Ollie’s chapters makes it one of the most engaging space books for kids on the market!

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